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Syberia 3 Underwater

среда 08 апреля admin 79

This video consists of a series of scenes where I play with my legs: 1) Ice: I take a couple of pieces from the mold on a dish. The legs are much more sensitive than the hands, I can not touch it. Leave the ferry and head to Steiner's Workshop. When you are there head left and use the stairs that are ahead. You reach the square near the station (on the left) -go to the opposite side (deeper in the screen) and go down the stairs to reach the square in front of the town hall where a protest takes place: citizens of Valsembor are protesting against Youkols.

In Syberia 3 you can get 40 Steam achievements - 15 of them are connected to the story so you get them as you progress through the game and 25 that requires a little bit of effort. Some of them have a few stages and require actions that spread throughout longer parts of the game - sadly, Steam won't show you your progress in a given achievement unlike, e.g. in Silence.

This sure ain't Kansas

Leave the room, the one that you share with Kurk, in the hospital in Valsembor (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

One flew over the nut-job's nest

During Dr. Mangoling's test you can't let the indicator in the lie-detector move over the red field because it means that Kate is not telling the truth - you can only say truth, half-truth or remain silent.

Friends for life

Speak twice with the two old hands in the hospital - before adjusting the key from Dr. Mangoling that can open the door to the elevator and after you try to open them.

Respect the protocol

Leave Dr. Olga's psychiatric floor by using Dr. Mangoling's key (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

No time to lose!

Filtrate the poisoned water, near the dam, from the river near Youkol camp (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

You call that cheating..?

Examine the items that are in your equipment and click their 15 (in total) active points; most of the items have at least 1 active point, some (e.g. the key to the elevator in the hospital or oxygen tanks) have 2, also, it is worth to check them after making some changes to them (after fixing the elevator key, soaking the sponge with ink etc.) - you can get this achievement in Youkol's camp near Valsembor.

The castle

Reach Valsembor (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).


During the conversation with Steiner show that you know about the catastrophe in Baranour (by reading captain Obo's journal).

Steiner family

Get Steiner's and his granddaughter's sympathy by giving a medicine to the old man (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

Grumpy old..

Irritate Steiner three times: try to leave the workshop when the watchmaker closes the door before Kate and gets a heart attack (1); turn on the mechanical bird that stands on the table, right from the mug (2), when you have to look for the medicine; the last one (after Sarah's leave) when the man sits in the basement and is finishing the prosthesis for Kurk - use the light switch near the ferry's model (3).

Crime and punishment

Convince captain Obo in the tavern to transport Youkol during your first try.


Use a previously acquired information about someone and use it as an argument to convince them (dialog option no. 2) - you can get this achievement when you speak with captain Obo and you have read his journal before starting the conversation; during a conversation with mayor Buliakin if youhad talked with a female protester beforehand; during a conversation with Katerina if you saw her photo album before the conversation.

A word to the wise..

Load the coal cart in the hangar from the right chute during your first attempt.

Time to collect your thoughts

Create a spare ignition key in Steiner's workshop (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

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Create a spare ignition key in Steiner's workshop during your first attempt.

Mechanical awakening

Start the ferry, by clicking on the ignition station, when you have the right spare ignition key (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).


Get mayor Buliakin's approval to open the underwater gate.

The Valsembor horror

Listen to the local legend about a lake monster - first from Youkol craftsman (the booth with an octopus' sculpture in the big tent in Youkol's camp) and then from the Valsembor's fisherman (the platform near the quayside - above the locker with diving gear).

The scriptwriter's nightmare

Perform 5 actions that moves the story or add something to the it but they can be done later or at all, e.g. (some of the examples below are only assumptions):

  • read Dr. Olga's mails before you speak with the detective (the screen in her office)
  • speak with Youkol craftsman in the big tent in the Youkol's camp about the monster from the lake (the booth with an octopus' sculpture)
  • read captain Obo's journal, found in the lower part of the ferry's bridge, before you speak with Steiner and the captain himself
  • look at the automaton's monument in the Valsembor's market before you speak with Steiner
  • speak with the female protester before you talk with the mayor
  • speak with the fisherman on the platform near the quayside in Valsembor
  • restore electricity to the amusement park before you have to haul away the ferry
  • move the carts from the bridge near the amusement park before you have to ride in the cart with Oscar
  • place a cog in the Ferris wheel mechanism before you learn that you must do it
  • go through Katerina's album before you talk with her
  • start the waterwheel near the border before the customs officer asks you to do that

20,000 leagues under the lake

Open the underwater gate that allows you to swim to the lake in Valsembor (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

Turning the tables

Look through the window in the pass checkpoint when you return to Youkol's camp during a night and learn what happened to detective Cantin.

Brave.. in good time!

During another conversation with the mayor that can happen when Kate, during night, goes to the station and returns to the hospital to take Kurk - for that to happen you had to convince Buliakin to open the underwater gate and, in addition to that, there is a possibility that you had to speak with the female protester about the mayor; in order to meet him go from the square near the station and use the stairs that leads to the square in front of the town hall.

Colonel, are you receiving me? Over.

Impersonate Dr. Olga when you speak with Colonel by using short-wave radio (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

CassandraSpace rocket nexus walkthrough 3.

Let Dr. Zamiatin know who Dr. Olga really is - in order to do that you must try to convince him twice: during the first conversation in his office and after reading Olga's mails - after that you must go back to Zamiatin and ask about his right arm again; you get the achievement during Kate's next (secret) visit in the hospital when Zamiatin calls her to visit his office.

The long goodbye

Free Kurk, held in the hospital's 'bed' in Dr. Olga's office (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

Ice breaker

Start the ice breaker mechanism on the ferry during your first attempt (without turning off the engine).

We're going to need a bigger boat

Give captain Obo a lamp for lifeboat during the end of the ferry ride (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

I am legend

Get the activation key from Katerina during your first attempt.

XZ2000.. 2.0

Activate the automaton in the amusement park and Oscar's return (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

Available brainwidth

During the conversation near the rubble in the subway you must remind Kurk what he needs to do - right after you find clothes for Oscar you must go to the place right from the ladder that leads to the surface, where Youkol are removing rubble from the subway's entrance and then speak with Kurk.


Restore electricity to the amusement park before you learn that you must do it in order to haul away the ferry - you get the achievement during the conversation with Oscar before you try to move Krystal.

The Community of the ostrich

'Relocate' the ferry (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

I is somebody else

Become Oscar in Baranour (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

Ironic, ain't it?

You get it when you try to return to Kate right after the airlock is closed behind Oscar - you have to press the red button a few times, the button is next to the glass near which Kate stands.

A little tenderness, maybe..?

You have to pet an ostrich tree times, each time during a different circumstance: in the big tent in Youkol camp near Valsembor - during a day time (1), when you go back there during a night (2) and in the camp near 'Olympia' swimhall (3).

Raiders of the lost temple

Lead the three rays through lenses in the pool in less than 20 moves.

O spirits, are you there?

Go through Youkol temple's opened gate (you get this achievement automatically by progressing through the story).

Anything goes

Activate the water mill's mechanism before you speak with the customs officer who gives Kate this task.

Mobile communication

Send a Youkol guard the right smoke signals and, while doing so, you can't let the smoke disappear in the furnace - the best way to do that is to first open the exhausts from four funnels and then close air in the pipe on the left, after that you can make a fire in the furnace.

What counts is not the destination..

Complete the game.

When Kate is underwater, keep going to the right and stick to the wall - after just a few steps you will encounter a large, circular recess with a valve and several bolts inside. Pick up the large cog (on the left) and the square key (on the right). Zoom in on the recess. You will see two more cogs, right underneath it, which you should also collect.

Install them onto the bolts: the large one on the left, the ordinary one at the top, and the one named the gearwheel (which looks a bit different than the others) below them. If you have the commissar's note, you can check in the documents inventory, that the chain is still missing. You have to go further and find it.

Keep going to the left, changing the route only when Kate gets stuck somewhere (go down on the screen a bit to avoid the obstacle, and then continue going to the left). This way, after some time, you will reach another large metal hatch on the wall to your left - approach it, to perform the necessary operations.

Open the first lock

In order to unlock the hatch, place the square key you found by the first recess into the hole under the valve, and then turn it to the right (with the correct mouse movement). The hatch will open up a bit - you should open it entirely (by moving the mouse from the right to the left side, the active point is located left of the valve).

A recess with cogs and a chain will be unveiled - turn (with the correct mouse movement) the valve to the left as far as possible, and then pull the lever (with the correct mouse movement) on the left down.

Go through the open gate (on the left). Take a few steps to the left when the perspective changes, and then a few more towards the middle of the screen, where the wreckage of a ship is located. Take the chain, which is lying more or less in the middle of the debris.

Go back through the gate and keep going right (it might take a while), in order to reach the other recess with the cogs, the one with the missing chain.

Open the second lock

Place the chain between the valve and the lower gear (the active point is on the left of the gear to which the valve is attached; if you have not put the gears in the correct positions yet, the picture above shows where exactly they should be placed). Turn the valve to right as far as you can, and then click on the lever on the right (you will receive the achievement 20,000 leagues under the lake).

When Kate is at the police checkpoint, , look inside the building through the window on the right of the door (Turning the tables achievement) and then run to the Youkol tent. When you are there you must pet the third ostrich on the left of the entrance (required for an achievement). Next, you must go to the shaman's quarters - inform her that the nomads can go through the lake.

Return to the ferry and head towards the exit from it, and then discuss the situation with Sarah and Ayawaska - Kate will receive a wineskin from her with the shaman's beverage.