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Strangers In A Strange Land Heinlein

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Author of Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers, and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. About Stranger in a Strange Land. Robert Heinlein’s Hugo Award-winning all-time masterpiece, the brilliant novel that grew from a cult favorite to a bestseller to a science fiction classic. Raised by Martians on Mars, Valentine Michael Smith is a human who has never seen another member of his species.

Humankind sends its first human expedition to Mars. The spaceship's crew arrives on the planet and are never heard from again. Twenty-five years later, another mission is sent, and the child of two of the first ship's crewmembers, who has been born on Mars and raised by the peculiar Martian race, is discovered and brought back to Earth. Because of various legal precedents, Valentine Michael Smith, the Man from Mars, is the inheritor to a vast fortune, and because of another precedent known as the Larkin Decision, Mike has a claim to legal ownership of the planet Mars. Therefore he has the potential to be massively influential in matters of Earth politics, and he is kept under close guard at a hospital by the leader of Earth's government, Secretary General Joseph Douglas. In the hospital, Mike slowly teaches his body to adapt to the Earth's atmosphere and he begins learning Earth culture and language, which differ enormously from Martian ways of thought.

An ambitious reporter, Ben Caxton, believes that Douglas is using Mike as a pawn in his own political power games and may be planning to kill him. Ben enlists his friend and old flame, Jill Boardman, a nurse at the hospital, to help him spy on Mike's treatment at the hospital. When Ben lets on to the authorities that he has a notion of their plans, they kidnap him. Jill sneaks Mike out of the hospital. When police officers try to kidnap them as well, Mike makes the officers disappear from existence—one of many psychic powers Mike has learned on Mars.

Babysitting coupon. Jill takes Mike to the only man she believes can help them, Jubal Harshaw, a famous doctor, lawyer, writer, and general cultural phenomenon. Jubal lives in a large house with three beautiful secretaries (Anne, Miriam, and Dorcas) and two male assistants (Duke and Larry). Jubal agrees to help protect Jill and Mike from the authorities. Mike learns about Earth culture at Jubal's estate, reading everything in Jubal's library and becoming fascinated with Earth religions. The police eventually discover Mike's whereabouts and come to arrest Jubal and his coterie, but at the last moment, Jubal is able to get through to Douglas personally and convince him to call off the police. Jubal also gets Douglas to rescue Ben from police captivity. Through legalistic maneuvering and rhetorical brinksmanship, Jubal is able to defuse Mike's political importance, arguing that Mike cannot be the legal owner of Mars since the Martian race inhabited it long before Mike was born. Jubal makes Douglas an ally by convincing him to become overseer of Mike's vast personal fortune.

Following up on Mike's fascination with religion, he and Jubal and Jill go to visit the headquarters of a religious group called the Fosterites. The Fosterites have aggressively built a massive following, in part by enlisting entertainers, such as football players and strippers, to deliver their message, and incorporating vices like gambling into their organization. The Fosterite Supreme Bishop, Digby, hopes to enlist Mike to lend his celebrity to their cause, but, when they are alone in a room together, a conflict arises and Mike makes Digby disappear.

Mike contemplates deeply on his action, and eventually comes to feel that he had made the best decision possible in a difficult moment. Mike is imbued with new self-confidence, and decides to set out and see the world. With Jill as his companion, Mike travels to various cities incognito, experiencing Earth culture. They develop a magician's act that exhibits Mike's powers and join a carnival, but despite Mike's amazing abilities, he lacks a sense of showmanship, and they are fired. A Fosterite tattooed lady in the carnival, Patty Paiwonski, goes to visit them at their hotel room, hoping to convert them before they leave. Mike reveals to her that he is the Man from Mars, and reveals his powers. Patty decides that Mike is a new prophet sent to Earth, as powerful as Foster himself.

Jill starts to learn the Martian language and some of Mike's psychic powers as they continue to travel together. Mike comes to grasp many human concepts that have eluded his understanding, such as desire and humor. Finally he believes he understands Earth culture and is ready to help people get past the petty fears and jealousies that enslave them. He founds a church, called the Church of All Worlds, which uses flashy salesman-like techniques much as the Fosterites do to attract new members. The church grows in prominence, and a core group of followers—the 'ninth circle'—live together communally, where they all work at learning Martian and developing psychic powers. They rarely wear clothing and engage in group sex and partner swapping in a manner disconcerting to outsiders. Ben goes to visit them and is deeply unnerved by their cultish behavior and open sexuality, but soon enough he has overcome his fears and joined them as well.

Jubal—who has come to think of Mike as a son—worries about the increasing persecution Mike is facing, and wonders if Mike is not encouraging this persecution. When Mike's temple is burned down, Jubal rushes to see him. Though Jubal loves Mike, he has resisted visiting Mike's church. Jubal's philosophies are all deeply individualist, and Jubal, like Ben, is unnerved by the cultism of Mike's operation. But Jubal is comforted among Mike's flock, who all treat Jubal as a formidable father figure.

Mike wonders aloud to Jubal if his attempts to help humanity are fruitless, if his message is being lost because of an inherent need in humans to create unhappiness and strife for themselves. Jubal encourages Mike to stay true to his beliefs and ideas. An angry mob gathers outside the hotel where they are staying, and, in true showman fashion, Mike presents himself to the mob, naked and defenseless. They murder him and he ascends to Heaven where he becomes an archangel alongside such other self-made prophets as Foster and Digby. Jubal and Mike's followers forge ahead with Mike's work on Earth.

Stranger in a Strange Land (Mass Market)

Ace, 9780441790340, 448pp.

Publication Date: May 15, 1987

Other Editions of This Title:
Paperback (7/31/2018)
Paperback (10/1/1991)
Hardcover (10/25/2016)
Prebound (5/15/1987)
Prebound (5/15/1987)
Compact Disc (4/1/1996)
Pre-Recorded Audio Player (12/15/2008)
MP3 CD (4/1/1996)
Compact Disc (1/1/2005)
Audio Cassette (4/1/1996)
Audio Cassette (7/1/2006)

* Individual store prices may vary.


Robert Heinlein's Hugo Award-winning all-time masterpiece, the brilliant novel that grew from a cult favorite to a bestseller to a science fiction classic.
Raised by Martians on Mars, Valentine Michael Smith is a human who has never seen another member of his species. Sent to Earth, he is a stranger who must learn what it is to be a man. But his own beliefs and his powers far exceed the limits of humankind, and as he teaches them about grokking and water-sharing, he also inspires a transformation that will alter Earth’s inhabitants forever..


About the Author

Robert Anson Heinlein was born in Missouri in 1907, and was raised there. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1929, but was forced by illness to retire from the Navy in 1934. He settled in California and over the next five years held a variety of jobs while doing post-graduate work in mathematics and physics at the University of California. In 1939 he sold his first science fiction story to Astounding magazine and soon devoted himself to the genre.

He was a four-time winner of the Hugo Award for his novels Stranger in a Strange Land (1961), Starship Troopers (1959), Double Star (1956), and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966). His Future History series, incorporating both short stories and novels, was first mapped out in 1941. The series charts the social, political, and technological changes shaping human society from the present through several centuries into the future.

Robert A. Heinlein’s books were among the first works of science fiction to reach bestseller status in both hardcover and paperback. He continued to work into his eighties, and his work never ceased to amaze, to entertain, and to generate controversy. By the time he died, in 1988, it was evident that he was one of the formative talents of science fiction: a writer whose unique vision, unflagging energy, and persistence, over the course of five decades, made a great impact on the American mind.

Praise For Stranger in a Strange Land

Praise for Robert A. Heinlein and Stranger in a Strange Land
“One of the grand masters of science fiction.”—Wall Street Journal
“A brilliant mind-bender..Wonderfully humanizing..The name of the leading character in Stranger in a Strange Land is as familiar to millions of literate persons as Oliver Twist or Holden Caulfield.”—Kurt Vonnegut, The New York Times Book Review
“Certainly among the most fiction novel[s] of all time.”—The Guardian
This book was destined to become a bestseller, shaping the sensibilities of a generation.”—The Boston Globe
“One of the most popular science fiction novels ever published.”—Library Journal