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Shadow Warrior 2 Walkthrough

пятница 20 марта admin 49

Lo Wang is back to murder monsters in Shadow Warrior and we’ve got all the tips you’ll need to complete every old-school level. Taking the controversial 1997 FPS from 3D Realms and rebuilding for a modern audience, the latest indie shooter ditches the racism but amps up the violent over-the-top action.

May 19, 2017  Shadow Warrior 2 is the stunning evolution of Flying Wild Hog’s offbeat first-person shooter following the further misadventures of former corporate shogun Lo Wang. Now surviving as a reclusive mercenary on the edge of a corrupted world, the formidable warrior must again wield a devastating combination of guns, blades, magic and wit to strike.

See how to defeat every boss, and how to navigate each labyrinthine mission with the full text guide (with screenshots!) below.

For more shadowy secrets and extras, check out the Shadow Warrior cheats list. If you’re looking to see what challenges await, browse the Shadow Warrior Steam achievements.

Prologue: Mr. Two Million Dollars

Only one way to go but up. This deal already looks fishy, but enter the mansion ground up the stairs to meet the man with the sword.

Even with two million dollars, this guy doesn’t want to be friendly. Instead, he’ll send swarms of his men to kill you.

Hold [RMB] to swing your sword, dependent on whichever direction you’re moving. Don’t get caught in a corner, and break your enemies guards with a shuriken, then strike.

Circle around and continue to fight once the door on the left opens up. Grab the health pack on the wall with [E] to heal, then finish off more thugs.

Get used to dodging with [Shift] to escape melee attacks. Attack when an enemy winds up or from behind with a charged swing to instantly kill these weak thugs.

Go upstairs and interact with the glowing door handles to finish up this tutorial.

Chapter 1: A, Like Asshole C, Like Champion

First order of business – escape! Grab the glowing sword on the ground, dropped by the dead thug, and cut the chains.

Enter through the bloody hole in the wall to gain a new revolver. Once gained, you can open the store menu with [U] to see what upgrades are available. Nothing you can afford yet, but search the back room for more ammo and cash before leaving.

Grab the green keycard from the desk and use it on the flashing pad outside.

Work through the small interior and get outside for a real fight. There’s only one lesser demon here, there are plenty more later.

Outside, switch to the sword and fight the incoming lesser demons. These guys are basically dumber, more aggressive versions of the human thugs. They won’t guard, so use dodges to back off and charge sword swings.

Cutting off arms and legs isn’t enough for these guys. Rush in and finish them off with regular swings to put these guys down for good.

If you’re lucky, they’ll drop a heart. These handy extra weapons are equipped by pressing [8] and instantly kill all lesser demons in the area. Save hearts for tricky sections.

Cross the bridge to the right. Up the scaffolding, enter the glowing door and you’ll encounter that mysterious creature again.

He’ll merge with Wang and provide a new power – healing. Tap [D,D, RMB] to heal. This is one of those vital powers you’ll want to use often throughout the game. Use it until you’re up to 65 HP then it’s outside through the glowing door.

Find the dark cave past the bamboo and cross the rickety bridges.

Through the green-lit cavern and back outside. Kill another ambush of lesser demons, and watch for health spirits.

Randomly defeated demons will leave a power-up with glowing + signs. Walk over them for a quick pick-me-up.

In the next courtyard there are some strange things to take note of. First, the door ahead is blocked by a green sigil.

Up the steps, there’s a totel and a bloody vial on a demonic pedestal. Take the vial to gain a karma point. Those are used to upgrade your special skills.

First, learn Divider of Heavens in the menu by pressed [U] at the cost of one karma point. Now use it to destroy the Tentoki Statue, or the green-glowing statue behind the vial.

Try using the new power on the lesser demons in the next area.

Circle around the building and watch out for more human thugs. Some of them come armed with SMGs – strafe around them and chop them up with a sword, or just shoot them down with bullets.

The keys to the door in the area where you previously fought demons is in the back room of the arcade, on a desk.

On the scenic path through the forest, jump off and run upstream from the bridge to find the path leading to the aura statue.

Run into the shrine ahead to find something special. This is a Ki Crystal. Use it to upgrade Wang’s powers. Healing is most useful at this point, so grab Invigorating Dew.

Smash the statue and return to the locked door at the end of the path.

Back outside at the entrance to the estate, you’ll have even more Lesser Demons to deal with.

Grab health packs in the raised garden and the ruined building to the right if you’re in need, and be swift with your kills. Wipe the demons out, then use the path through the koi pond to get back to your car.

Of course, it won’t be that easy. Wipe out the goons and use the flashing car door to escape.

Chapter 2: The Party Bus

Wang’s neighborhood isn’t looking so good. Time to fight through the demonic invasion to find that sword.

Fight up the street, and watch out for the cars – they explode if you hit them with your sword.

Swerve right up the road and enter the arcade to deal with another round of demons.

By now, you might have some extra Karma points. Unlock the Katana skills first, they’ll make your life much easier in the long run.

Grab the keys from the manager’s office in the back of the first floor, and use them on the keypad upstairs.

Cross the rooftops until entering another home. Grab the vial downstairs, among other goodies, before moving on.

In the courtyard you’ll meet a new lesser demon – the bird-like vultures swoop around and fling fireballs from a distance. Shoot them down with the revolver while dealing with the melee fights.

When they’re dead, return to the lower floor of the home, where you found the vial, and destroy the glowing phylactery, opening the door back outside.

Don’t miss the crystal through the open door.

Across the bridge, jump down into the corridor and deal with a small group of demons. Inside the cop car ahead is a new weapon – the PDW.

Use it to shoot down the incoming demons, and continue along the stairs to the right. And watch out for the two bunnies that get free, they might be a little too friendly with each other.

Work through the swanky home to the street infested with vultures. Try zooming in with the Revolver [X] to pick them off before facing the rest of the monsters.

Get close to the back train car and a demon will pop-out. Smash the bundles inside to find a secret collectible and a valuable statue for a cash infusion.

In the bamboo forest, back off when you reach steps going down. Wait for the demons to run past the two explosive barrels before lighting them up, and giving yourself a sweet karma point bonus.

Ahead, use [W,W, LMB] to wipe out an entire group of idle demons ahead of the doorway leading to the canal.

Jump down into the canal, and prepare for a fight ass demons pour out of the pipes.

Deal with the vultures in the back first, then clear out the rest.

At the earliest, unlock Circle of Iron and Wing of Crane – followed by the rest of the Katana Mastery skills.

Wing of Crane gives the Katana a truly ranged attack, and it will help against some of the bigger opponents in Shadow Warrior.

Fight through the forest to reach the door into the monastery. Here, you’ll have to deal with one big bad demon.

The brute stomps around and fires waves of projectiles while charging up the Lesser Demons. Back up and pick off the little grunts with the Revolver.

Watch out for his chain-attack. He’ll pull you to him then slam down. If you get caught, jump back. Stay close after dealing with the minions and use the structure in the center to lead him around.

There’s another health pack near the temple gate. Finish off the next wave of demons and go into the temple – you’ve almost got the sword now.

Chapter 3: Spiritual Laxative

Work through the interiors to reach the city street. There’s a fortune cookie right next to the exit door, too.

Defeat the Lesser Demons, then enter the alley blocked by a blue truck. There’s a door to the right with the magical container – smash it to open the way forward.

More demons will ambush you near the gate leading into the bamboo forest. Eventually, you’ll reach a canal outside of town. Grab the collectible to the left, then jump in and prepare for a fight.

Use the explosive barrels to quickly wipe out groups of demons, and shoot down the birds on the overpass above. Don’t miss the Ki Crystal on your way out.

The tunnels look complicated, but they’re simple – just follow the pointers painted onto the walls.

Wang’s house isn’t looking too good. Get rid of the infestation with a combination of Ki abilities and sharpshooting.

Fight to the door in the back left to enter Wang’s secret armory, down the cave path and through another small group of demons. Inside the house, grab the crossbow from the display case.

Stop by the bathroom for a quick head-shave, then it’s time to go outside and head toward that temple.

Dash into the waterfall for a quick secret and a vial. Nice! Now, back on track.

Take out the new flying demon on the gate, then mount the turret to wipe out the rest of the attacking demons. The flying ones are the weakest, but potentially the most dangerous. Take them out first, then get rid of the rest.

When they’re clear, turn around and use the glowing button on the large gate to advance.

Complete the level by suited up at the armor station with the stylized “W”.

Chapter 4: I Can’t Remember That Night Either

Up the road, look left for a small garden. The gate at the end is blocked by a seal – time to find the right object to destroy.

Trek up the road to find a new enemy – a shielded demon. These guys hide behind an invulnerable shield and fling explosive fireballs. Get in close, dash to the left, and use Divider of Heavens to easy crush this punk.

Just past the auro object, jump into the river to find a statue. Then climb back up and destroy the seal, opening the door back down the road.

Out on the next street, watch out for new enemies. These human mercenaries are covered in armor and armed with SMGs and grenades. Otherwise, they fight just like the thugs.

Once they’re dealt with, more lesser demons and shielded demons will appear. Try to draw the demons into the mess of cars and explosive barrels, then kill the shielded mooks with forward charged Ki attacks from your sword.

The door in the back left corner of the road will glow. That’s your way forward. Go back and grab the collectible across the bridge guarded by the human soldiers, if you’re looking for those.

The gardens are guarded by heavier lesser demons covered with armor. These ones will even block. It takes extra effort, but they’ll fall just like the rest.

Upstairs and onto a path lined with candles, look right for a pond. Across the water is a hidden blood vial.

Through the raised houses on water, you’ll eventually find a door locked with three colored seals. Destroy all three to unlock the door.

The first two are in the watery area, just through the glowing doors to the left of the seal. The red one is on an island, while the blue is on the water in the back left corner.

A group of enemies will ambush Wang after each seal is destroyed.

The last seal is located back in the large garden strewn with TNT barrels. Jump into the water and out onto the water to destroy this one to open the locked doors.

Circle around the Buddha Statue and enter the tall temple. There’s a collectible amidst the cash offerings on the statue inside.

More home-exploration awaits. Grab the Ki Crystal in the room guarded by a handful of demons, then exit to the large temple down the dirt path.

Chapter 5: She’s A Courier

The street is protected by more armored thugs. Take them down – try blowing up the cars they’re standing near, then move up to the cemetery doors.

Travel up the hill, through the lesser demons – including the new skeletons – to get closer to the temple. There are several locked doors up here, but don’t worry about those just yet.

Outside the temple, you’ll have to deal with another major demonic force. The necromancer is a towering creature that constantly summons new skeleton minions. He’ll also throw green energy projectiles and try to swat you with his staff.

Periodically, the big guy will shield himself. Back up and hit the shield with Ki sword powers, or just kill the skeletons he summons.

Aswang Hunger is very useful – your Katana Mastery skills will heal Wang. Grab it as soon as possible, and use all three powers (Divider of Heavens, Wing of Crane, Circle of Iron) often to boost your point score.

Remember all those locked doors? The keys are located in the building behind the necromancer. Grab them, and prepare to go seal hunting.

With the keys, go to the door in the same arena in the right corner. The red seal is across the bridge, and up the steps. Go behind the building ahead to find a statue and a blood vial secret.

Go down the path with the three-seal door in the necromancer arena, and unlock the gate into the catacombs.

Jump down into the cavern below and turn around to find the blue seal. That’s two down, one more to go.

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On the way out of the cave, you’ll have to deal with another swarm of lesser demons, and a necromancer. Deal with the demons first, then when you’ve only got a trickle of skeletons to fight, go for the big guy down the steps.

Conveniently, the final seal is located in a pool up above. Blast the explosive barrels to clear out the demons, then continue on your way out of the caves.

Take the stairs up and out of the well, then swivel around before leaving through the glowing door. Behind the wooden wall are a set of doors leading into a secret retro room with a blood vial.

The cave will dump you back at the start of the level. Work your way back to the sealed door, and make frequent stops at the many locked rooms for extra Karma vials, cash, and armor.

Before entering the temple grounds through the large red gate, continue down the left path for a bonus Ki Crystal.

In the temple, another necromancer will appear with lesser minions. You know the drill – using the PDW Akimbo or the explosive secondary Crossbow is a good way to soften up the demons before finishing off the necromancer.

This is where Aswang Hunger and Kenshi/Kensei will help most. Use Wing of Crane to blast through multiple enemies, and use Divider of Heavens when you absolutely need a minion dead.

Kite around the arena and pick off the projectile-throwing demons first. They’ll just keep coming, so once they’re thinned out, try to get in a few hits on the necromancer.

In the temple, try to take the sword from the strange golem. Seems easy – interact with the standing golem to complete the level.

Chapter 6: Home, Sweet Home

Welcome to the Shadow Realm. Turn around and traverse the area until reaching a large arena with an axe at the center.

Turn around – there’s a giant bull demon, and it isn’t happy. Prepare for a long fight.

As the fight starts, take note, if you need more health or ammo, pick-ups will respawn around the edge of the area.

Start by shooting the armored bits of the giant. Use the PDW or Revolver. Eventually, the armor will crack open to reveal a weak point. Switch to the Crossbow and unload into it.

Try to take down each limb, one at a time. Each weak point (Ki Line) has its own health bar.

When all four of the Ki Lines are destroyed, the boss will enter it’s second phase.

During the fight, the giant will attemp to swing it’s axe, shoot laser eyes, or summon explosions from the ground. Dash when the giant stomps on the ground to summon up deadly magic from the ground, and dodge while moving to escape the lasers.

Once all four Ki Lines are destroyed, he’ll attempt to charge. His charge doesn’t travel very far, so retreat and and shoot arrows into his last exposed weak point to defeat the creature.

Chapter 7: You Should See the Other Guy

Welcome to Zilla Industries. The shipyards are infested with a new type of demon. The smaller shield demons charge recklessly forward – but a good hit with Divider of Heavens will cut right through their shield and either kill or maim them.

Inside the warehouse, grab the Ki Crystal and run down (then up) the yellow stairs to find a glowing electrical box. With the power back on, back track across the room and to a glowing door.

Grab the collectible in the office, and at the end of the path you’ll find a new weapon – the shotgun! The SMGs and the Shotgun are the handiest weapons for combat. Try saving plenty of cash to keep them upgraded.

Across the catwalks, the bridge will crack and drop Wang into another enemy encounter. Give the shotgun a try, and aim for the explosive barrel as more enemies make a hole in the equipment.

Down into the underground tunnel, the shotgun is good against the shielded demons too. Just blow off their exposed feet for an easy kill.

Further ahead, you’ll encounter another new enemy. Kamikaze demons glow green and, obviously, explode on contact. Shoot them with the shotgun as they get close – they make killing hordes of other minions easy if they’re standing near some of their demonic friends.

Take the left path – the road straight forward leads to a sealed door. Press the button on the pump to lower the toxic sewer water before continuing.

The red seal statue is located at the bottom of the sewer. Just keep hitting those pump buttons and going down. Take the elevator, then backtrack to the red seal – slicing and blasting demons along the way.

Upgrade the Shotgun with the Quad Pack ASAP. Those extra shots go a long way to making this one of the better guns available to Wang. The rest of the upgrades are just as good.

Through the red seal door is another pump room. Travel to the bottom and pass another sealed door. The statue is located at the lowest level, once again, but this time guarded by a much tougher encounter.

Two Necromancers will appear and revive several shield brutes. They’ll continue to revive these monsters, so it is in your best interest to wipe out the necromancers as quickly as possible. Use the Shotgun, explosive Crossbow bolts, or any of the Ki sword attacks. Bring them down one at a time, and purchase the GodSlayer upgrade to make them just a little easier.

Destroy the statue and head on through the seal upstairs. Finally, you’ll be out of the sewer and into another crappy warehouse. Not a great trade-off.

The flooded interior is guarded by a single necromancer, followed by a swarm of flyers. Save the medpack for the second wave. Personally, the Akimbo PDWs work like a charm against the annoying harpies.

Travel through the hull of the crashed ship and up to the higher level of the warehouse. Turn the crank to shut off the fires, then use the control panel in the corner of the catwalks.

Drop down a floor through a hole in the catwalk railing, and grab the blood vial, then jump down to the office. Now you’re back at the entrance! But, with the equipment raised, you can finally reach the exit door.

Just kidding! You thought it would be that easy? Walk towards the exit and the floor will give out, revealing a deadly Warlord. This guy is even more aggressive than the last one Wang fought. Ki Sword attacks and Aswang Hunger will help even more here.

After killing the Warlord, you can grab his head and use it as a weapon with the Headhunter upgrade.

Before leaving, look to the left. The catwalk leads to a blood vial, and the path blocked by cardboard boxes reveals a hidden valuable statue. One last collectible is behind the spool to the right of the exit door, too.

Chapter 8: Not Quite A Genie

The trainyard doesn’t offer much time to relax. Outside, a small army of lesser demons awaits. As they charge, try using Wing of Crane to cut bloody swaths through their ranks.

It’s easy and fun! The Revolver comes in handy when the flyers appear – one shot will bring them down if you’ve upgraded to DemonSlayer 2.

Enter the tower, and pull the left and right levers to open a path through the trains.

The next yard is protected by a Warlord and several shielded demons. Looks like fun. Use Divider of Heavens to cut off the lesser demons’ shield arms, and finish off the Warlord.

Grab the Warlord’s head once the demons are finished and use it to easily clear out the next two Warlords as they appear. Not so tough after all!

Enter the warehouse to find a Ki Crystal and a teleporting demon. These nimble guys are dangerous, but one Divider of Heavens strike will do them in all the same.

If you grabbed the spare Warlord heads from the previous fight, this next one should be easier. Take out the initial demons, then pull out the head to blast the next Warlord with a stream of death for a quick kill.

The next sewer tunnel section is a maze with three seals that need to be broken. Destroying each seal will summon a handful of monsters. There’s no trick here, just follow every path and you’ll find all three seals.

Smash the red and green statues, and a door will open near the exit seal. Crush the blue statue, and a Warlord will appear with some minions – you know what to do. Use one of those extra heads to easily clear the area.

This next fight is tricky. The dual-wielding she-demons are a problem in numbers. Their speed can easily get Wang caught in a corner. Use Shockwave or Flux to help control the battlefield and keep these monsters off you.

The Shotgun is useful for taking out the lady-demons and swarms of skeletons. Don’t forget to upgrade!

Travel through the offices to meet two new assassins, then take the elevator up to find a blue seal blocking your path. Turn around to the glowing door and track down the enchanted statue.

Enter the office and hit the button to find the statue on a boat. One problem – it’s held over the water by a crane. The second button, to lower the boat, is located around the shipyard. Circle the pool to the second office, protected by projectile-throwing demons.

Jump onto the boat and destroy the statue to open the path to the level’s exit.

Chapter 9: I Liked You Better When You Were Dumb And Gorgeous

SWAT is waiting for Wang outside. Clear these punks out and enter the plastic halls of a makeshift decontamination area. Inside, enter the lab to have a chat with the twin assassins again. Downstairs is another seal urn – smash it!

Outside, the path is blocked by two massive turbines. The generator is up the steps, just turn around to spot the path.

Backtrack through the lab once the power is out and return to the start of the level. Tons of demons will appear, including a swarm of flyers. Shoot them down and open the gate to the crane.

Close the gates into the shipyard near the water, and cross over. Be quick about it, through! The gates will reopen just as they meet.

The crane itself is guarded by a Warlord and bird-demons. The Crossbow is pretty effective against the demons, as they tend to stand still, and the large Warlord has a huge hit-box. Hit the keypad once they’re clear.

Backtracking won’t be easy now that the turbines are out of the way. Swarms of demons fly in from above, clear them out before trying to cross the gate-bridge.

On the other side, you’ll need to contend with lots of kamikaze demons. Load-up on ammo, buy it from the upgrade menu if you have to.

Past the turbines, hit the crane keypad to lift a crate and enter Dock 5.

Step onto the catwalks to drop into the dry dock. The area is swarming with lesser demons – don’t let them surround you. There’s plenty of room to maneuver here.

Climb up the scaffolding to reach the blue seal statue, and destroy it to open the very obvious exit down below. Jump onto the minigun turret on the boat to fight off one more demonic incursion and the shield around the statue will lift.

The path leads into another sewer guarded by upgraded shield demons. Use the Shotgun for some easy kills – a few blasts will blow the shields apart. Eventually, a Warlord will join in. Take him out, and use his head to easily destroy the swarm of flyers that appear next.

As a reward for all that hard work, you’ll get the flamethrower down the followed hallway.

The hall ahead is filled with fire. Give that Flamethrower a try against the SWAT goons to the left, and find the valve to shut off the burning path.

Fight through the kamikaze to a flooded room where the twin assassins are waiting. Hit the pump switch to let the two free. After the cutscene, things get hairy again.

Demons swarm the room, with kamikazes and birds appearing down the hall. Make good use of Wing of Crane to easily wipe out large groups of these chumps, or lay down some Crossbow bombs.

Down in the lower area, you’ll have to deal with two Warlords at once, following be swarms of flyers. Kill one of the Warlords and use his head on the second. Duck behind the pillars to heal if you’re low, and purchase new ammo from the upgrade menu if you’re low when fighting the birds.

Clear it out, and it’s another mission complete after using the elevator.

Chapter 10: We Should Stick to the Lack of Plan

Welcome to the Manticore. A pile of C4 charges sits outside the hole in the ship. Grab ‘em and get going underneath.

Press the button and work through the explosive demonic balls. Up the stairs and through the gate are more lesser demons, but they’re no threat to Wang.

Up the ramp, there’s another heavy enemy encounter with two Warlords. The Crossbow is great, and peppering these guys with the flamethrower then switching weapons will help drain their health fast.

Lower the ramp and work through the ship. Some enemies will appear, but nothing too dangerous will appear yet.

After the first enemy spawn, continue to a large gap. Dash across it and continue down the path to find the first bomb location. Place the C4 onto terminal, then backtrack to the gap and jump down to proceed.

Back at the entrance, a new door is open in the first partially flooded room. More shield demons will appear in the cargo bay – one new trick you can employ is the flamethrower. Their shields can’t block fire!

There are three control rooms in the upper decks. Ride the elevator up and enter all three – they’re visible right from the entrance. The glowing doors make the locations pretty obvious.

Plant all three charges, then take the elevator back down. Of course, demons will appear to give you grief. Leave through the glowing door, and grab the Ki Crystal down the hall.

Fight off more shield demons to find a hatch in the floor, dropping Wang directly into another fight.

Watch out for the exploding terminals while shooting down the kamikazes. For the second wave, two Warlords and multiple shielded chargers will appear. Use the Warlord head to wipe them out, or just get the Crossbow.

Leaving the ship and jumping back down onto the dock, more surprises await.

Two necromancers, and more shielded goons. The flamethrowers works a trick on the skeleton minions, give it a try if you’re overwhelmed.

Hit the switch overlooking the ship to lower it while flyers swarm the area. Shoot them down, and get yourself back on that ship.

The way deeper into the ship is blocked by a red seal. Follow the single path around and up the steps, then down to destroy the urn, then get back to the second sealed door.

The dark halls eventually lead into a dim deck filled with shielded demons, reached by fighting through enraged lesser minions and taking the stairs up. Clear the area and hit the switch in the center to bring an elevator down.

A new weapon awaits in a red crate (with a collectible right beside it!) up the lift.

Outside, a Warlord awaits. One rocket is enough to cripple these guys – like all good launchers, ammo is scarce but damage is huge. One shot can wipe out an entire group of enemies.

Through the next door, you’ll find what Zilla was digging up – an ancient boat. Fight through the roosting flyers and hit the button to open the cargo doors into the hold.

In the bay, a new enemy appears. The crystalline demons are completely invulnerable, save for the glowing rocks on their backs. Wait for them to charge, then dodge left or right to get a clean shot.

There are two weapons that are great against this miniboss – Wing of Crane can hit the demon’s back even from the front, so it doesn’t require as much precision.

If you’re okay with being accurate, use the Crossbow and charge it with the High-Strain System. A fully charged shot is 4 times as powerful as a regular bolt.

Save your rockets for the Warlord and Necromancer that appear next. Clear out the minions, and hit the elevator switch in the center of the room to board.

Grab the sword, destroy the Whisperer, and take off to fight another boss in the Shadowrealm.

Chapter 11: Just Like A Maggot Should

Say hello to Ezra. Wake him up by standing on the glowing seal until the blue meter empties. Dodge to the left or right as he flings explosive projectiles your way, then return to the seal.

Once he comes down, the real fight begins. Just like the previous boss, items will appear around the edge of the arena, and a section of armor will glow. Shoot it with a bullet weapon until the weak point appears.

Ezra will fly around, shooting waves of energy at Wang. Dodge to escape his spear, and dash left when he slams into the ground. Use the Rocket Launcher or upgraded Crossbow bolts to really put a dent in the blue meter.

Destroy the first Ki point, and Ezra will retreat while another seal will open. You know the drill, stand on the seal until the meter is gone, and Ezra will fly back into the fight. This is a good time to drop a quicksave if you haven’t already.

The next phase is just like the last. Only this time, the weak point appears on the right. Unload with rockets as he slams the ground and reveals it.

Open the third seal, and the doors will open. Ezra will leap down and try to hold them closed – this is your chance to waste his wings! Blast the wings with rockets until the boss retreats.

To get another shot at his wings, open the three seals again. They’ll open much faster this time. Destroy both wings and the next phase of the battle can begin.

This is it. Without wings you just have to shoot the center of the armor and defeat him. Beware once the armor opens up – keep moving, as he’ll continuously rain down energy blasts from the sky.

Chapter 12: Some of Us Have Learned Not To Burn Bridges

Welcome to Zilla’s secret mountain fortress. Follow the ice path to a rickety old outpost to encounter a new enemy type – invisible female projectile demons.

These nasty witches will stand still while pelting Wang with ninja stars. Wait for them to stop, then use a charged Crossbow bolt or Revolver to kill them from a distance. Don’t stand still!

Hitting them with bolts has an added bonus – you can still see the bolts sticking out of their bodies when they turn invisible. Handy for tracking their movements!

After the battle, grab the keycard from the dead body near the ledge, and take it to the guard room near the closed gate.

The interior hall is crawling with explosive traps. Blast them, and check out the offices to the left for more ammo and health. In the back right corner, there’s a valuable statue hidden behind cardboard boxes, too.

Ahead, deal with the kamikazes (try the PDW!) and use the tram. The trip will be dangerous – use the PDW or whatever your preferred weapon to destroy the explosive traps near the tram, and make liberal use of your regenerating powers.

Enter the offices and use the eye-scanner to talk to Orochi Zilla, Wang’s boss. The doors back into the tram tracks will open up. Time to explore! If you feel like backtracking, you can find an extra blood vial near the beginning of the area.

Hop on the turret and shoot at the barrels near the vines blocking the way. Demons, of course, will appear but they won’t be a problem with that massive infinite-ammo turret in your control.

Enter the science-dome to fight a flock of demonic birds, followed by a nasty encounter with three Warlords at once. If you have ammo to spare, use a few rockets while they’re bunched up, or grab a Warlord head.

Entering another, darker science dome through the locked-down hallways, go upstairs to discover a single glowing panel. It can be a little tricky to find, look for it under a bright lamp.

Instead of going downstairs, leave through the open “exit” door, also on the upper level to get outside again. Enter the hatch past the ambush of flying lesser demons, and grab one of the gasmasks before entering the lab full of poison gas.

Next, you’ll re-enter a large room with -two- of the crystal brutes. Wipe out the lesser demons first, then focus on these two chumps.

Divider of Heavens is surprisingly useful against these guys. Circles around and aim up toward their exposed orange weakpoints with a charged thrust to tear down their health.

Go towards the green light! Nakamura’s body is in the closed room, accessed by the card reader in the dark room full of kamikazes. Grab the head – gross.

An alternate door opens up around the lower edge of the building. The next dome, still filled with poison, is swarming with lesser demons and kamikazes, so go in packing with double PDWs to quickly handly those rolling bombs.

Leaving, you’ll finally take off the mask. But, a big battle awaits upstairs. More female demons will appear with a Warlod. The enraged demons are a pain, so get out the Rocket Launcher and blow the Warlord away.

If you have a spare heart, use it against the female demons – it’ll be worth it to get them off your back as quickly as possible.

Take the head back to the security scanner to open the doors leading to the mission exit.

Chapter 13: A Taste of the Price We Agreed Upon

Zilla’s castle awaits. The mountain path to the first indoor area is treacherous – keep the PDW ready, up the incline you’ll have to deal with large swarms of rolling toxic bombs.

They’ll keep coming, all the way to the pagoda structure full of kamikazes. Out the door, quicksave often – yes, there’s a jumping puzzle.

Past the green seal, you’ll need to climb the path by leaping over each gap. Just save after each jump, there’s no easy way to do FPS platforming. Make each jump a running jump, and there’s a good chance Wang won’t fall into the endless pit below.

Skeletal kelp vines drop valuable organic matter, and you'll find other hard-to-find crafting materials like gel sacks, uraninite, and deep shrooms.Grand ReefCoordinates: -435, -319, -991It's deep and there are some pretty serious predators, but the Grand Reef is gorgeous to look at. The dunes are dark and murky with silt and sand even on a sunny afternoon, so watch your back. If you can dodge the floating anchor pods, you'll find some of the most diverse mineral deposits in the game. Subnautica map. When you start drilling, it really ticks off the neighbors.Blood kelpCoordinates: -977, -315, -532When it's time to suck it up and head into that deep water, that bad water, you're probably looking for blood kelp.

Entering the unfinished concrete area, jump down to deal with a large army of lesser demons and a necromancer. Take out the necro fast with a few rockets to the face, and the remainder of the monsters will become much more manageable.

Smash both seals down the path, then you’ll have to climb -back- up the dangerous road to the incomplete bunker above, to go through the door that was once sealed with a blue marker.

Hit the elevator button, deal with the demons, and ride into Zilla’s castle.

Lots of areas locked away by seals, and lots of shielded demons. These are tight quarters, so retreat to lead them into the larger room if you need space to dodge. Clear these chumps out and exit through the glowing door near the blue seal.

After meeting up with Zilla, he’ll disappear and a massive battle will begin.

Destroy the Necromancer and Warlord first. Use the Rocket Launcher to wipe these guys out while slicing through the weaker minions.

To continue, you’ll need to destroy three seals. The first is through the glowing door – the red seal is down the steps. Deal with the Warlord, and you’ll be on your way.

Stepping out onto the snowy ledge looking over the mountains, get your launcher ready, because another two major demons will block Wang’s path.

The trip to the blue seal is uneventful. Return to the hub and clear out the female minions, then go through the glowing door.

Past the series of empty rooms, you’ll return to a familiar place. The door to the left of the blue seal contains the urn to destroy. Smash it and enter the new opened path.

Just more kamikazes, and the green statue is up ahead. Smash it, and use the hallway to the right to get back to the hub.

Up the stairs, grab any ammo and armor before entering the large multi-level room. Necromancer and a warlord, with plenty of shield demons will ambush Wang here. As usual, whip out the Rocket Launcher to take care of the major demons to stop them from reviving/enraging their followers.

In the dark room, try using the Shotgun to deal with the female demons in your face – or use a demon heart to get some instant-kills.

The incomplete hall comes with a necromancer. Just one this time – feel free to save those rockets for later.

Outside, follow the wooden steps and chemical lamps to find a path through the winding treacherous mountain. Destroy the lesser demons in the pagoda interior, and hit the elevator button.

While waiting for the lift, hop onto the minigun for some turret-section fun.

Up the elevator, look behind the gold statue to find a blood vial. There’s also a collectible in the corner to grab, resting on the edge.

In the halls above, you’ll have more shielded demons to deal with. You know the drill – dodge their charge, Divider of Heavens for an easy kill. Shotguns, Crossbows, or whatever else will do the trick.

Upstairs, you’ll have to fight two more crystal demons. The shotgun is another good choice if you’re right behind them. A full blast (or four) can quickly destroy these monsters.

A Warlord follows these two. Use the Rocket Launcher to kill or soften these mooks and kill his minions to open the exit door.

On the path to the gondola station, swarms of rolling bombs will drop down the hill toward Wang. Use the PDWs to fight an uphill battle against the infinitely respawning bombs. Don’t try to wait them out, just keep moving up and shooting down bombs.

Use the gondola to complete the mission.

Chapter 14: I’m Content to Kill Right Here

Inside Zilla’s mountain base, you’ll finally encounter more human thugs. These guys have been empowered, but Wang’s katana will still cut through them like butter.

Hit the controls on the catwalks to open the gate, then use the gondola switch to go deeper into the fortress.

Outside Zilla’s inner sanctum, an army of human thugs will rush across the bridges to surround Wang. Have Aswang Hunger unlocked to continuously regain health while using sword master skills.

To get into the main chamber, you’ll need to destroy all three seals. The first two are in hallways to the left and right of the door. The last is below the bridge, in the right corner.

Inside, Zilla will lock Wang into a tiny space and send monsters after him. Switch to the katana and go nuts – until the glass shatters, dropping you into the dungeons below.

Follow the glowing gates down into a dead-end. You should see a green seal and the urn above. Back-track to find a new glowing door, leading into a fight with a warlord.

The urn is close now. Destroy it through the next door, and jump down to continue down the new path.

In the larger dungeon, Wang will hear a strange sound. It’s the Whisperer, located in one of the cages hanging from the ceiling!

Follow the glowing gate upstairs, with a Ki Crystal on the path, and fight the crystal demon with minions to open the doors to the seals blocking the way forward.

When the enemies are all dead, go down one of each path to find all three. They’re easy to find, you can’t miss them.

Once all three seals are destroyed, jump onto the turret and kill any attacking demons – which shouldn’t be too hard, the turret will keep Wang protected. Use the controls on the opposite side of the chamber to free the Whisperer.

Sort of. The cage swings off into the distance while Wang falls down to face off against another Warlord. There’s a crystal demon in the next room. Kill it, and leave through the gate on the right.

Up the rocky steps, prepare for an encounter with kamikazes. Swarms will appear ahead, then behind you, then ahead again. Akimbo PDWs do the trick.

Chasing after the Whisperer, Wang will enter a chamber with a crystal giant and female demons. Not an awesome combo. Use the demon heart for quick kills, or the shotgun, and wipe out the lesser foes before circling the giant and hitting it with Divider of Heavens.

Corner the golem upstairs, and stab it in the back.

Chapter 15: I Wish I Knew How to Quit You

Back to the ShadowRealm to get the last piece of the sword. Hoji awaits in his lab – before going down the lit path, look for the head on a pedestal, lit in yellow.

With Xing’s head, the stones will move, allowing Wang to hop down deeper into the realm. Place the head on the glowing pedestal at the end of the path and enter Hoji’s lab.

In the lab, Hoji will ask for his tools, located on the orange tray. Place each tool onto the glowing altar, then retrieve the next where the crystals glow orange.

When the bridge raises, speak with Hoji to convince him to go and fight Zilla, then step outside to the blue marker.

That’s it for the mission! Time to hunt down Zilla and put an end to this.

Chapter 16: Make It Right

Back at the mountain lair, deal with the demons (and grab ammo / collectibles) inside the meeting room.

Kill the shield demons outside to draw out more human thugs. Killing those thugs will, in turn, open the gate the demons were protecting.

Through the building, Wang will return to the courtyard outside Zilla’s throne room. Two Warlords and a Necromancer, plus an army of minions are between you and him.

Use the Rocket Launcher to kill one of the Warlords, and collect his severed head. Try to upgrade the Head Hunter skill to make it even more powerful, letting you easily wipe out the other major demons.

Otherwise, just go nuts with the Rocket Launcher once you have a clear shot at the big guys. Don’t waste rockets on the lesser minions.

Cross over to the door opposite you entered from, and take the keys on the desk to the left. Leave through the locked gate at the base of the steps.

In the following arena, take out the Warlord and clear away the female demons, circling around the large structure in the center. Enter through the glowing doors when the fight is finished, and take the stairs up.

Use the catwalk to reach the central pagoda, where you’ll have more Warlords and human goons to deal with!

The humans with SMGs are too big of a threat to ignore. Use the flamethrower or whatever weapon of your choosing to kill them. Fast.

There are more rockets in the crates around the arena. Health packs can be found near the entrance door – use them to heal up in a pinch.

Female demons will attack in the courtyard below. The trusty shotgun can deal with them at point blank range.

Navigate the interior to find the bridge to Zilla’s -truly- final lair. The trip across the bridge isn’t uneventful. Human thugs and demonic minions will fight Wang all the way across.

Wade through them, Aswang Hunger and sword skills will make them a breeze. The outer gate is sealed with three markers. The first is in the building to the right, just after taking the stairs off the bridge.

The second is in the left building, and the last is between both, just go through the door toward the center.

One more big fight before the end. Two crystal demons and a swarm of kamikazes make up the first wave. Dodge left or right and wipe out the kamikazes with akimbo PDWs. When they’re dead, focus on the two – Divider of Heavens is my weapon of choice against these guys.

The second wave is all minions and projectile-shield demons. Keep moving and don’t let the minions lock you down in one place. Focus on the bird-like energy-throwers, then wipe out the rest.

Third, you’ll have to deal with charging shield demons and female demons. The shotgun works great against the ladies, but nothing beats Divider of Heavens against these charging chumps.

Crystal demons, Warlords, and Necromancers – all three major demons appear at once now. Make a quick save here if you haven’t already.

Healing kits are located near the entrance, in the covered areas out of the snow. Saving your rockets for those Warlords. Use sword skills with Aswang Hunger to keep your health up by chopping up minion skeletons.

Smash the last wave, and the doors into Zilla’s sanctum will open. Face him to get the sword, and return to the other realm for one final battle.

Chapter 17: If This Is Victory…

Wang appears outside of Enra’s fortress, and the Katana has been fully upgraded. Now each regular swing will launch of wave of energy.

Give the sword some use against the waves of demons that appear on the path up to the castle.

In the distance, a massive suit of armor protects the castle, firing mortar-like explosive arrows – that means, keep moving!

Say hello to Xing’s body. The headless armor stands at the castle gates, summoning explosions from the ground, swinging his weapon and stomping.

Make sure you have Aswang Hunger unlocked. Each regular swing of the upgraded sword will kill the swarms of minions that attack, healing you up.

Use the ki waves to hit the armor by standing underneath the boss. They’re just as good against the weak points – Wang can destroy each limb in two repetitions with the katana.

Destroy one leg, and the boss will fall over the ledge. Approach the gates, and the thing will finally return – and Wang without the sword.

Dodge as the monster summons blasts from the sky, and unload into the glowing plate of armor with regular weapons. When he spreads his arms, he’ll try to suck Wang into the armor’s mouth. Shoot it and dash or dodge away to escape being pulled in.

When the armor breaks open, unload into the weak point with rockets.

Destroy the ki point, and the doors to Enra’s castle will open. Enter the throne room, and chase Enra back outside after the cutscene. Wang has the sword, and it’s time to finish this.

The Xing armor returns in the arena below. Use the same tactics to destroy the other leg – the sword will do, but now you’ll have to heal yourself without the added bonus of swarming minions.

Use bullet weapons on the midsection armor, but when he falls, Wang’s Ki blasts will be able to reach again.

Destroy Xing’s headless spirit to end this battle, then return to Enra’s throne room up the steps. Spill Enra’s blood, and leave the palace to bring the game to a close.