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Kingdoms And Castles Seeds

суббота 11 апреля admin 56

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Dec 4, 2018

It's not entirely clear how to play a custom map in Standard Mode, so I figured I'd write this small guide to explain exactly how to do this.
Other Kingdoms and Castles Guides:
  • 100% Achievement Guide.
  • Quick Start.
  • Efficiant Farming Guide.
  • Farms and Armies Guides.
  • Extensive Guide on How to Build Efficiently.
  • Solutions to Issues and Tips.

Creative Mode

When starting a new game you have the choice of selecting either Standard Mode or Creative Mode. In Creative Mode you can modify the map before you play, tweak all kinds of settings, and spawn all sorts of things while in game. This is all great but doesn't really play as a normal game with all these options right there. On top of this, achievements won’t be triggered when playing in Creative Mode.
Reasons to use a customized map are plenty. Maybe you want to have a little more control over the map, to resemble a real place or map you saw, or to make your game easier by placing lots of lush farming grounds and resources, or even to make a small and fun shaped little island to give yourself a challenge. But without actually playing in Creative Mode and using your map in Standard mode, you need a precise setup as there isn't any way to switch modes or save an empty map for later use.

Creating Your Map

To start, select Creative Mode and select your size and type of map. You can use a seed for this or just scroll through them until you see one that would be a good starting point. Use the tools on the right of the screen to customize it to your wishes. But no matter what, DO NOT click the Accept button! If you do this, you cannot go back and edit it again, nor can you use it for Standard Mode.
Once you are satisfied with your map, you have to very counterintuitively click on the back button to return to the main menu. Your map will remain visible in the background of the menu here. When you are back in the main menu, click on New Game again and select Standard Mode. Don't press the left and right buttons here to change seed or mess with the map settings for all your work will be lost. Simply click Next to continue to the following screen to name your kingdom and select a banner and you are good to go!

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Kingdoms and castles custom map

I was wondering if any of you got any cool or fun map gen seeds; here one’s that I found;

  • 718946564 – Very good land
  • 1476111032 – Tree island
  • 696969696 – Wayy too much water
  • 10141991 – Doughnut Land

Map Seeds

1634089640 – Has something like 19 stone nodes, almost all one large square chunk of land, I would say 65%? of it fertile/very fertile, with a good quarter chunk of it starting with clumped forest. The barren land is concentrated in 3 – 4 nice large swaths, and three of the 4 corners of your land mass have perfectly sized corners to build piers on for town expansions for anyone going for 5000 pop. Also has reasonable amount of iron (8 nodes) that you won’t ever hurt for it.

This was my 2nd playthrough of the game and I think I managed pretty well. I spammed randoms until I hit this sweet number because my first playthrough I didn’t realize how much stone I would want — I have 3500 pop atm, but I still have a large area of foresters and much more storage and production building than I needed; I over built.

With that many quarries my reserves of 5000+ stone can go from empty to full in no time. I managed the first years more closely, but afterwards I got more sloppy (I’m not one to play on 3x and just let years drift by mind you). I’m currently on year ~175

My pop had reached 3000 by about year 100 and I didn’t bother making any kind of castle walls in the first 50 or so years, instead, with that many quarries I just built walls 4 high around the island in the matter of a couple years? After year 100/3000 pop and walls 7 high w/ big towers I spent about 50 years just building up infrastructure and stockpiling food, building out piers and a secondary wall along the waters edge (so two walls are also taking up more space than one)

Eternal arena mugen. So I haven’t looked around for other seeds to find a “perfect” map, but this one has to be a top contender, though you’ll probably want to transplant from one side to the other where you grow the forest as the large area it starts in is rich in “very fertile” tiles, though next to it is plenty of useless barren land.

Original Link – Continuation of discussion